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Beendet: 11:29 UTC
The Art of War
1 Tag /Phase (normal)
Ohne Pott und Wertung - Herbst, 1911, Beendet
Die Partie hat Thrawn (1617 D / R99) gewonnen

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Herbst, 1911

Large map: Large map

Frühling, 1911

Large map: Large map

Herbst, 1910

Large map: Large map

Frühling, 1910

Large map: Large map

Herbst, 1909

Large map: Large map

Frühling, 1909

Large map: Large map

Herbst, 1908

Large map: Large map

Frühling, 1908

Large map: Large map

Herbst, 1907

Large map: Large map

Frühling, 1907

Large map: Large map

Herbst, 1906

Large map: Large map

Frühling, 1906

Large map: Large map

Herbst, 1905

Large map: Large map

Frühling, 1905

Large map: Large map

Herbst, 1904

Large map: Large map

Frühling, 1904

Large map: Large map

Herbst, 1903

Large map: Large map

Frühling, 1903

Large map: Large map

Herbst, 1902

Large map: Large map

Frühling, 1902

Large map: Large map

Herbst, 1901

Large map: Large map

Frühling, 1901

Large map: Large map