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Beendet: 28 Mär 16 UTC
1 Tag, 12 Stunden /Phase (langsam)
Pott 214 D - Frühling, 2021, Beendet
Afrika, PPSC, Anonym, noProcess:Sat,Sun
Das Spiel endete untentschieden

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18 Jan 16 UTC Frühling, 2012: "Tanindrazana, Fahafahana, Fandrosoana" (Vaterland, Freiheit, Fortschritt) - eine unterhaltsame Partie wünscht Madagaskar dem restlichen Afrika!
26 Jan 16 UTC Herbst, 2013: GameMaster: Someone has taken over Egypt replacing "Mermadin". Reconsider your alliances.
28 Jan 16 UTC Herbst, 2013: GameMaster: Someone has taken over Morocco replacing "Lufty99". Reconsider your alliances.
08 Feb 16 UTC Herbst, 2015: GameMaster: Someone has taken over South Africa replacing "Lorenzo von Matterhorn". Reconsider your alliances.
13 Mär 16 UTC Herbst, 2018: GameMaster: Nigeria voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
25 Mär 16 UTC Frühling, 2020: GameMaster: Someone has taken over Egypt replacing "N3wOrd3r". Reconsider your alliances.