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Beendet: 05 Mär 10 UTC
Die Hard III
1 Tag /Phase (normal)
Pott 280 D - Herbst, 1906, Beendet
Die Partie hat Blitzkrieg (968 D / R56) gewonnen

< Return


21 Feb 10 UTC Frühling, 1901: moin
26 Feb 10 UTC Herbst, 1903: GameMaster: This user was banned: . The time until the next phase has been extended from <span class="timeremaining" unixtime="1267256966" unixtimefrom="1267184069">20 Stunden, 15 Minuten</span> to <span class="timeremaining" unixtime="1267270469" unixtimefrom="1267184069">1 Tag</span> (one full phase) so you can find a new player to take his place if you want to.
Make sure to finalize your orders if you don't want
to wait, so the game isn't held up unnecessarily.